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Remote customer service & support jobs

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Customer Service & Support
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4 Jobs Found


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Remote (Work From Home) Contract USh 5,000,000 - 10,000,000

Job Function : Customer Service & Support

3 weeks ago

We are looking for a business development officer nationwide (home business)

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Remote (Work From Home) Full Time USh 2,000,000 - 2,500,000

Job Function : Customer Service & Support

3 weeks ago

Responsible for handling customer inquiries and complaints through various channels, providing product and service information. Maintaining detailed service records and tracking the progress of problem resolution. Establishing and maintaining good customer relationships and improving customer satisfaction.

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Remote (Work From Home) Full Time USh 2,500,000 - 3,000,000

Job Function : Customer Service & Support

3 weeks ago

The Social Media Specialist is responsible for managing and creating content on the company's social media platforms to promote branding and user engagement. This position requires tracking and analyzing the effectiveness of social media campaigns and optimizing strategies to increase the brand's online influence. Creativity and sensitivity to soci

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Remote (Work From Home) Full Time USh 1,500,000 - 2,000,000

Job Function : Customer Service & Support

3 weeks ago

We are looking for business assistants, you are our choice!

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