6 days ago

Trail Cutter

Makerere University

Trades & Services

  • Minimum Qualification :
  • Experience Level : No Experience
  • Experience Length : No Experience/Less than 1 year

Job Description/Requirements

Required Qualifications

  1. O’ level Certificate
  2. Fluency in English


  1. Ability to work effectively with others;
  2. Good health, strength and endurance for outdoor physical labour;
  3. Willingness to learn and review by participating in the training necessary to do proper trail work and to always perform activities and use tools both properly and safely.

  1. Moving and clearing trails
  2. Map out the most appropriate routes;
  3. Operate timing equipment;
  4. Gather and remove litter;
  5. Prune or trim trees, shrubs or hedges, using slashers, machines or chain saws;
  6. Clear trail of downed trees, large branches or hazardous leaning trees;
  7. Repaint/ replace tree blazes that are faded or missing;
  8. Clear culverts of all debris so that proper water flow/ drainage is restored;
  9. Evaluate reports or designs to determine work needs;
  10. Maintain equipment or systems to ensure proper functioning.

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