Employee Termination; How to Communicate

Employee termination is a difficult process to handle, even for the employers. Understanding how to communicate however, makes it easier. See how.

Employee Termination; How to Communicate

In every business entity, recession is inevitable. Sometimes it cuts across both the customers and businesses. Companies are forced to let go of employees so as to curb the financial situations and remain afloat. Letting go of an employee can be a daunting task, especially if that was not a bad hire. With Artificial Intelligence becoming popular, easy and more efficient, some positions are termed redundant for the current market, leading to employee termination. When this happens, the method of conveying such information can break the balance between a bad and good employee exit. The following are tips to figure out the right approach.

Identify The Right Time To Communicate

If you have a large organization, chances are high the employee collaborates with other members of the team. Identify when to communicate to the said employee and the rest of the team about the termination. It is necessary to keep this drama free, to avoid office gossip and politics. 

Employee Termination

The best approach in the case is to share only facts. Avoid explanations and justifications. Just state simple facts, as shown below;

X no longer works with our company. Our transition plan during this period is ABC until we find a suitable replacement. If you have any questions or concerns, please talk to Y.

Such a delivery whether on email or in a meeting presents facts and leaves no room for unnecessary information. 

Communicate Efficiently

Naturally, rumors spread faster than the truth. Lack of proper communication between the employees and management, or employees and colleagues, leaves room for gossip spreading through the office. This ultimately erodes trust, creates fear and reduces concentration of the employees. Once the company identifies who to let go, the process of employee termination should start as fast as it can, to avoid instances of creating a panic situation. 

Know What To Say

Identify the right medium of communicating with the employee. This depends on the company size, culture and organizational structures. An entry-level employee termination is different from letting go a senior position. If the said employee collaborated with various departments in the organization, it is essential to gather them in for a quick meeting to pass on the information. However, if they did not work directly with other departments, sending in a quick and precise email is advised. 

Communicate Immediately

Maintain Professionalism 

Understand the company policies and strive to stick to the guidelines as stipulated. Once the management and the employees understand what is expected of them, the employee termination process gets easier to execute. Understand that the decision is inevitable, and a communication plan will be needed eventually. It is good practice to make the employees understand that the company values them, and that the termination is not a sign of their incapabilities, but a decision that the business makes to stay relevant and active. 

Do not comment on the employee’s reason for termination. It not only creates room for speculation and rumors. It may also expose the company to legal consequences if the termination prompts legal action.

Understand the Essence of Time

It is inevitable

Like everything else, timing is essential in conveying information. News such as employee termination can be hard to share, albeit necessary. It can be hard when the said employee has been an integral part of the organization. You do not have to rush through the process, allow yourself to gather thoughts for an amicable communication system. Inform the direct reports of the said employee as soon as you can and other members of the team can be informed the next day, once you are ready. Strive to give the termination notice to an employee when they are least likely to be disrupted, for instance, after the day’s tasks. 

When letting a bad hire go, chances are all the avenues for improvement for both parties have been explored, and no compromise has been reached. It is easy to get angry and disappointed, but try and maintain professionalism throughout the process. As the manager, resist the urge to criticize the employee as it will only make the situation more complex.

How To Fill An Urgent Role

Should you find yourself with a sudden urgent role that requires filling, BrighterMonday has a solution that incorporates state of the art technology and qualified HR experts to get you the right fit faster. 

Maureen Daisy
Notification Bell