Embracing Home for Economic Growth and Job Generation

UN Ambassador Rosa Malango stresses embracing home for economic growth, local entrepreneurship, and innovative investments for resilient African education.

Reflecting on the Africa Day 2024 interview with the former UN Ambassador Rosa Malango, we are reminded of the vital importance of investing in and embracing home for economic growth and job generation. In order to live up to theme of ” Educate an African fit for the 21st century: Building resilient education systems for increased access to inclusive, lifelong, quality, and relevant learning in Africa”, we must first embrace home. The Ambassador champions this vision by emphasizing the transformative potential of local entrepreneurship and innovative investments.

“Investing in our local communities not only empowers individuals but also creates a robust economic framework that can withstand global economic fluctuations,” says Ambassador Malango.

Data from the Uganda Bureau of Statistics supports this sentiment. SMEs represent 90% of the private sector and contribute significantly to the country’s GDP. Local businesses are essential in building a resilient economy, fostering innovation, and creating job opportunities.

“Our young entrepreneurs are the backbone of Uganda’s future

Ambassador Malango highlights the critical role of young entrepreneurs. By nurturing their talents and providing them with the necessary resources, we can drive sustainable development and create meaningful job opportunities.”

In Uganda, entrepreneurship is a key driver of economic development. According to the Global Entrepreneurship Monitor, Uganda has one of the highest entrepreneurship rates in the world, with nearly 28% of the adult population involved in early-stage entrepreneurial activity.

“Agriculture remains the heart of our economy,”

– Ambassador Malango.

The agricultural sector employs over 70% of Uganda’s population and contributes about 24% to the national GDP. Initiatives like the Uganda Agribusiness Alliance (UAA) are pivotal in transforming rural economies and creating jobs. They support smallholder farmers and promote sustainable agricultural practices, ensuring food security and boosting rural livelihoods.

“The technology sector in Uganda is rapidly growing, with startups like SafeBoda and Tugende leading the way in innovation and job creation,” notes Ambassador Malango.

The technology sector in Uganda is rapidly growing. According to recent statistics, Uganda registered 1.2 million new internet users between January 2023 and January 2024, pushing the total number of internet users to 13.3 million​ (DataReportal – Global Digital Insights)​​ (New Vision)​. This significant growth provides fertile ground for tech-driven solutions and businesses. Startups like SafeBoda and Tugende are leading the way in innovation and job creation.

Furthermore, the tech industry has created numerous job opportunities, particularly for the youth. Innovations in fintech, e-commerce, and digital services are not only transforming the way business is conducted but also driving economic growth by providing new avenues for employment and entrepreneurship.

Collaboration and Partnerships: Driving Sustainable Development

This approach aligns with the principles of Africapitalism. It emphasizes leveraging local resources, investing in clean technology, and fostering cross-sectoral collaborations to drive economic growth and resilience. By mobilizing strategic partnerships, Uganda can enhance its economic transformation and sustainability.

Real Stories, Real Impact

Consider the success of the Uganda Agribusiness Alliance (UAA), which supports smallholder farmers and promotes sustainable agricultural practices. This initiative transforms rural economies and creates jobs. Similarly, companies like SafeBoda are revolutionizing transport and creating numerous job opportunities. These examples demonstrate the power of local entrepreneurship and innovation.


“Embracing Home” is more than an economic strategy—it’s a call to action for every Ugandan. By fostering local entrepreneurship and making strategic investments in key sectors, Uganda can create a thriving, self-sustaining economy. Ambassador Rosa Malango’s vision for Uganda is clear: a nation where local talents and resources drive growth, leading to shared prosperity and resilience.

As we honor the spirit of Africa Day and commit to building a sustainable future, let’s embrace home. Let’s invest in our communities, support our entrepreneurs, and build an economy that benefits all Ugandans. Together, we can make this vision a reality.

Gladys Rwabuhemba
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