Employee Retention: How to Keep Your Best Talent Longer

A good employee retention strategy should encompass a few major aspects. First and foremost, it is important to invest in training for employees.

Employee Retention: How to Keep Your Best Talent Longer

Employee retention can be hard, particularly in developing countries where unemployment rates are high and employee benefits are few and far between.

This webinar recap with Doreen Asaasira Muhangazi, Head HR, Sanlam Life Insurance Uganda and the Secretary General of HRMAU, will teach you how to help your employees feel satisfied and want to stay with your company for a long time.


The theme for this webinar was Employee Retention- How to Keep Your Best Talent Longer. The purpose of the webinar was to equip HR professionals with the knowledge and skills they need for successful employee retention and employee satisfaction.

Doreen Asaasira Muhangazi, the guest speaker talked about the following topics:

  • What should a good employee retention strategy entail?
  • How does employee acquisition & onboarding affect retention?
  • How to retain their cross-generational employees?
  • What different strategies to use to retain cross-generational employees?

1. What should a good employee retention strategy entail?

A good employee retention strategy should encompass a few major aspects. First and foremost, it is important to invest in training for employees. Training will help ensure that your employees are given the tools they need for success. Investing in training also serves as a form of investment into their careers, which can help make them feel valued. It is also important to offer them clear career paths, which can provide a sense of security and show that you care about their futures within the company.

2. How does employee acquisition & onboarding affect retention?

The key to retaining employees is hiring and onboarding the right people. It is crucial that you hire someone who will fit in with your company culture, values, and practices and have a passion for your company’s vision. You also need to do an appropriate amount of training for new hires before they start their first day at work.

3. How to retain their cross-generational employees?

This webinar is aimed at providing tips on how you can keep your employees happy and engaged. Attendees will be able to learn about the different reasons why employees leave, as well as how they can deal with these issues across different types of generations.

4. What pitfalls should business leaders avoid when designing retention strategies for their organizations?

Some of the pitfalls that business leaders should avoid when designing a retention strategy for their organization include not understanding what motivates people, not understanding what makes employees feel valued, and not appreciating the importance of engagement. Most importantly, as a leader you need to understand how your culture is perceived by your employees and where it can be improved.

Key takeaways from the webinar

In this webinar Doreen Asaasira Muhangazi, Head HR, Sanlam Life Insurance Uganda and Secretary General of HRMAU discussed the following key takeaways:

  1. Annual Employee Satisfaction Survey
  2. Identifying your company’s best talent
  3. Keeping employees engaged
  4. Managing employee performance
  5. Managing employee development


The webinar highlighted some of the key areas that HRs need to focus on in order to keep their best talent. It also touched on how HRs can work with managers and colleagues, who are often the first point of contact for employees, in order to improve the employee experience. Overall, Doreen’s presentation was insightful and informative.

Link to the SLIDES: 👉 Click Here

Link to the VIDEO here: 👉 Click Here

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Emily Ndagire
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