Why You Are Not Getting A Job

Getting a job is proving harder every day, even with new opportunities opening up. Here is how you can stand out for your next job.

For most graduates, getting a job is the ultimate measure of success once they get out of school and join the job market. Unfortunately, this is becoming harder every day, and the rate of skills mismatch and available opportunities has made it worse for the prospective candidates. According to a recent report by the 49th State of the Nation Platform, the rate of unemployment in Uganda currently stands between 64% and 70%. This, added to about 400,000 youths annually released to the job market, makes the competition even more stiff as there are approximately 9,000 jobs available. 

Job hunting is hard, and as much as there is a stiff competition for jobs, people are still getting hired in your field. So why not you? Here is a list of reasons you may not be getting a job:

1. You are not proactive

In the current job market, people are getting more qualified and relevant to most jobs. You have to stand out from the other candidates when applying for any job. Did you just graduate? Try to find some internships, paid or not, and grow your skills in your career. You stand a chance of getting better feedback when you apply for jobs in the future. Do you have accounting skills? Volunteer at a firm and help with accounting or budgeting records, you will grow skills necessary in the accounting field. Go the extra mile. 

Taking initiative

2. Your CV sells you short

If you were in a position to recruit someone today, would you recruit someone with your CV? Would it pass the shortlist and get to the interview stage? If your answer is no to these two, then it’s time to rethink about how you present yourself to an employer. Your CV should showcase your strengths and skills needed for the jobs you are applying to. BrighterMonday gives some tips on how to write CVs and the right templates here, check them out. 

3. You have unrealistic salary expectations

When asked about what salary you expect in an interview, if your expectations are beyond the company’s stipulated budgets, chances are your applications will be dropped. Let’s face it, you can be qualified for the job but if they can not afford you, they will get a better deal from the next person. Before going in for an interview, it is wise to adjust your salary expectations to what the company can provide. This can be done through calculating the market value for someone in your position and gauge yourself with the same. 

4. You don’t research the company

An interview gives you a chance to present your skills to your future employer. What if you have no idea about what your employer is all about? Research about the company before you show up, this shows that you are interested in the position you are applying for. It also helps you to understand the company culture and if you will fit into their system. If a recruiter realizes that you have no prior background information, they will drop you faster for the next knowledgeable candidate. 


5. You have the wrong attitude

How do you present yourself in an interview? There are certain non-verbal cues that could make or break your chances at landing your next job. You might be the right candidate and could be perfect for the role, but if you don’t have a positive attitude towards the company, you won’t get hired as fast as you’d like. Be ready to work, to interact and grow in the role you want. Present yourself with modesty, dress appropriately for the person you’d like to be at the company and be informed.

6. You are applying for the wrong jobs

If you keep doing the same thing everyday and expecting a different result, as the wise Albert Einstein once said, it is called insanity. Even in the job market, if you keep applying for the same jobs everyday and not making the cut, re-evaluate yourself. Is that what you are qualified for? Is it relevant to your career growth? If not, find your ground and advance your experience in that field.

Decision making

So there we go, next time you are applying for jobs, keep the above pointers in mind. You build better chances at getting a job in your sector. Understand your capabilities and work on improving your career everyday, do not settle until you find where your skills fit in best!

Maureen Daisy
Notification Bell